Small But Growing List of Words Computer Science (and probably Math people) Use Too Much

non-trivial This is used to describe something that most people would just call “hard.” However cs people need to make sure to tell you that it’s actually “not extremely easy.” You will probably find a cs person using non-trivial where it should not be used. For example, “Doing the laundry is completely non-trivial.” well-defined ambiguous … Continue reading Small But Growing List of Words Computer Science (and probably Math people) Use Too Much

Open Standards

This was inspired by this article from the New York Times sent to me by my dad, which led me to this post on the Google blog. This article talks about how Google and everyone else should embrace open standards on the internet. I completely agree with this philosophy (either because I think its a … Continue reading Open Standards

What is the probability you get this question right, given you know Bayes’ rule?

So to rephrases the question: P(question right | you know Bayes’ rule) = … by Bayes’ Rule P ( you know Bayes’ rule | question right ) P ( question right ) / P ( you know Bayes’ rule) That’s kind of confusing. What struck me was how interesting it is how our intuitions about … Continue reading What is the probability you get this question right, given you know Bayes’ rule?