I’m going to write on Medium. And I’m going to keep copying posts over to my blog.

Can we count on Medium to be around in 10 years? I’m planning to look at my blog posts then, too. I spent some time this week looking over coding projects I have done over the last 12 years, which is pretty much about when I started experimenting with coding. I realized a few awesome … Continue reading I’m going to write on Medium. And I’m going to keep copying posts over to my blog.

MySQL Doesn’t Install on a Mac Yosemite 10.10

MySQL Doesn’t Install on Mac Yosemite 10.10 How to fix This website had the fix for me: http://coolestguidesontheplanet.com/get-apache-mysql-php-phpmyadmin-working-osx-10-10-yosemite/ Summary was: Download the 64 bit dmg (only 10.9 was available, oddly when unzipped it said 10.8) http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ Customize the install and uncheck the startup item Manually start mysql from command line and modify path in profile/bashrc … Continue reading MySQL Doesn’t Install on a Mac Yosemite 10.10

If you want to do something good, put it inside something funny.

Getting the word out on the FCC proposal and net neutrality “If you want to do something evil, put it inside something boring” Here’s a good comedy video getting to the heart of the issue of protecting net neutrality, and the problem with an FCC-sanctioned fast/slow lane, effectively allowing companies to negotiate faster speeds for … Continue reading If you want to do something good, put it inside something funny.