Setting up User Accounts, Password Authentication, and SSH Keys on a New EC2 Instance

Based on an article from: After you have created your instance: Save the Public DNS, it looks something like After you have your keypair, run this command $ ssh -i mykeypair.pem You should be in now. Cool. Now set yourself up your own user account. adduser jkeesh Adduser is the one you … Continue reading Setting up User Accounts, Password Authentication, and SSH Keys on a New EC2 Instance

Wow, Facebook Hackers

So I saw a post on my wall from a friend, but something just didn’t sound right. Again, it was a case of the Facebook spam that somehow tricked you into posting something you didn’t want to post to all of your friends. And many people made the mistake, and it spread fast. Mainly, it … Continue reading Wow, Facebook Hackers

mod_rewrite reminder

I was trying to get mod_rewrite working on my WordPress blog which is on a server I set up. Except it just didn’t work. Solution (which you can find on the internet, but not that easily if you don’t know what to look for) is that in your httpd.conf file, you need to make sure … Continue reading mod_rewrite reminder

Split the Bill

Ok, here is the problem. You are at a restaurant with a number of your friends, and the bill comes. But you have a 5, and two 10s. But your bill is 17. And your friend has 2 ones, and a 20. And another friend has three 10s. You need to split the bill–you want … Continue reading Split the Bill

Type Shift Code

Heres a quick code idea that I came up with a while back. I call it a type shift code. Basically imagine that you type as normal on a keyboard, but you shift your hands over one key on the home row. If you do this and type, everything will look like complete nonsense, but … Continue reading Type Shift Code