Travel Tip for WiFi Network Landing Pages

Quick tip that I was googling and found to be very helpful in a number of cases. Say you are traveling and connect to a free wifi network. Many of those networks have landing pages requiring you to check a box or enter your email or choose an option. If the network works with your device, then you should get it popped up or redirected. However, much of the time this doesn’t happen. I never knew how to find that page — and often times I would visit a page like google and see security warnings (I knew because it was intercepted but not sure what to do instead).
Here is a site you can visit:
Since this site is just on HTTP and not HTTPS it should get redirected to the landing page or login page for the network.
From the site:
It also means that if you’re relying on poorly-behaved wifi networks, it can be hard to get online. Secure browsers and websites using https make it impossible for those wifi networks to send you to a login or payment page. Basically, those networks can’t tap into your connection just like attackers can’t. Modern browsers are so good that they can remember when a website supports encryption and even if you type in the website name, they’ll use https.
Places this could be helpful: Wifi networks on planes, airports, restaurants, Cuba, and other places where your device just doesn’t work nicely with the network (has happened a number of times on a pixelbook).