At CodeHS, we make curriculum and tools to help schools teach computer science classes. We have schools all over the country, and we’re going on a road trip with Karel the Dog to visit classrooms and run workshops. We can come visit you! If you are a student, teacher, or anyone else excited about coding education, let us know you want us to visit by filling out this form.
The Background
Before CodeHS, Zach and I were students at Stanford where we studied computer science, and taught Intro to Computer Science as student TAs. We’ve now helped to teach thousands of students online and offline, and a big reason CodeHS works really well for students is that we prioritize spending time in classrooms with students and teachers.
Almost two years ago we did a road trip around the United States to help show students, teachers and schools that it was possible to teach coding and to see what computer science looked like around the country. In 67 days, we visited 35 schools, 44 states, and drove 12,300 miles. You can see photos from that trip, a video we made, an article, and some feedback.
We’ll be running workshops to teach students basic coding

We Can Visit You!
The first trip was a huge success, and now, we are doing it again. During April and May, we’ll be going around the country to visit and talk with more schools, students, teachers, principals, parents, and administrators so we can learn more about what computer science education looks like around the United States today. We’ll be running workshops, visiting classrooms and talking to lots of different people involved in coding education.
We’ll be all over the country, and we want to come visit you!
Yes, you! We’d love to hear from you whether you are a student, or a parent, or a teacher, or an administrator. To let us know you are interested, just fill out this form here. We’ll be visiting schools that are already using CodeHS, and schools that have no idea how to offer coding but want to give it a try. We’ll be up and down California, all the way on the east coast, and everywhere in between.
We’ll be all over the country, and we want to come visit you!

If you are already teaching with CodeHS, we’d love to visit your classroom and see how you are using it. If your school doesn’t have any coding, we will be running workshops to show you how to get started. If you want to start a discussion about the importance of computer science education we can speak with parents, school boards, or entire school assemblies.

We’re excited to get a chance to see what computer science looks like all around the US and to meet some of the thousands of teachers already teaching coding in their classrooms. If you have questions, just email us at [email protected]
Students and Teachers Loved Our Visits
You can see here what students and teachers said about classroom visits and workshops with CodeHS.
What Student Say
It was absolutely the best programming teaching program that I’ve used. I would highly recommend any schools starting an “introduction to programming class” to use this program as it provides clear instructions, and a easy to use interface. Overall rating 10/10. — Brandon, a student
I thought it was a good starting point for programing. I got a better comprehension of functions. NOTE TO GUY RUNNING THIS: you’re a cool dude, I like your energy. — Ben, a student
Overall, I found this activity to be both entertaining and stimulating. It wasn’t boring, and I was kept interested the whole time. Challenging enough to be like a game, and not too easy, while also teaching programming skills accurately. Thank you for coming to our school and showing us this! — Emma, a student
I have never done anything like it before. It was a new experience and it was challenging and fun at the same time. — Anna, a student
What Teachers Say
Jeremy, I want to once again thank you so much for coming to our school yesterday! The kids absolutely LOVED it! I’ve never seen them so focused and quiet! I love how they were helping each other and shouting out “I’m so smart!” when they correctly created their program. After seeing how excited and engaged the students’ were, I went home feeling so inspired that I stayed up late to keep practicing Karel programs! As a teacher at such an underserved school, it was incredibly empowering to see my students fervently teaching themselves such an invaluable skill. It was extraordinary to watch Deonte, who started the session thinking his best option for success was to become a rich rapper, decide that a better goal would be to become a computer scientist. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity you just opened up for my kids. — Catherine, a teacher
I think it’s the best intro I’ve seen — complete beginners and experienced programmers were all engaged at some level. — Mark, a teacher