Dogecoin is the fun new cryptocurrency on the block, and you should get some! It’s not quite that easy yet, so here is a step by step guide.
Step 1: Buy Bitcoin on Coinbase
The first thing to do is go to Coinbase and create an account. This is an online bitcoin wallet, or an easy place to buy and sell bitcoins. It takes a bit of time to verify your account, and add in the payment info, but this is so far the most user-friendly way I have found to buy bitcoin using US dollars. So you can use your bank account and get yourself some bitcoin.
Step 2: Send the Bitcoin to Cryptsy
I believe there may be a way to get Dogecoin using USD on Vault of Satoshi, but I haven’t yet personally used that site. So in any case, say you have your bitcoin on Coinbase. The next thing you’ll want to do is create an account on Cryptsy, a site to trade cryptocurrencies. So after you log in click Balances at the top.

Then hover over bitcoin and click the “Deposit/Autosell BTC” link.

Then you’ll see a pop up show up with a long string of numbers and letters. This is the address. You want to copy this address.

Now go back into coinbase, and send the bitcoin to this address.
It may take some time to get the bitcoin into your cryptsy account because bitcoin is a bit slow.
Step 3: Trade Bitcoin for Dogecoin
Now click the Trade link at the top, scroll to the DOGE/BTC section and click. Now you’ll be at a page like this.

Then you can buy as much dogecoin as you like with your bitcoin.
Step 4: Send that Dogecoin to a Wallet
Now you have that dogecoin in crypsty, but you probably want it somewhere else so you can easily send it around. I have tried online wallets at DogeVault and DogeAPI and they both work. Online wallets are less secure, so you could also download the dogecoin client, but that is a bit of a hassle.
So now you do the same thing to send your dogecoin to a wallet. On the crypsy balances bage, hover over dogecoin and click Withdraw. Then you can send it to the address (string of numbers and letters) for you online dogecoin wallet ( this is the address you get from DogeVault or wherever your dogecoin wallet is).

There you have it! That’s how you can get dogecoin. If you don’t have any but want to get involved, send me a tweet @jkeesh and I can send you a tip.
Hey there, nice tutorial, but getting hold of dogecoin has become alot simpler recently, to buy directly for fiat currency you can head over to and get hold of dogecoin pretty cheap.
If you don’t mind the long winded process of fiat -> bitcoin -> doge, then the process outlined above is great.