What is the probability you get this question right, given you know Bayes’ rule?

So to rephrases the question: P(question right | you know Bayes’ rule) = … by Bayes’ Rule P ( you know Bayes’ rule | question right ) P ( question right ) / P ( you know Bayes’ rule) That’s kind of confusing. What struck me was how interesting it is how our intuitions about … Continue reading What is the probability you get this question right, given you know Bayes’ rule?

WordPress mobile

I am writing this current post from my couch on my phone using the open source wordpress app for iPhone. Here’s my review of the app: sweet. It’s very easy to use, and it has a great and simple interface. You can manage multiple blogs in a very intuitive and classicaly simple wordpress setup. If … Continue reading WordPress mobile

Google Wave Embedding

One of the cool things about Google Wave is that you will be able to embed waves into sites very easily and users can interact with the wave. I wrote a java robot that adds random quotes to the conversation, and here it is (if you have a wave developer account). –I have temporarily taken … Continue reading Google Wave Embedding