Setting up a new website, 2021 version

Buy a domain (misk, namecheap, google domains) Set custom nameservers, I’m using Linode 3. Clone the dns entry in linode (just Domains, then Clone) 4. Setup Up Name Based Virtual Host and Destination Directory I have an apache server setup, so I need to make a new file to configure the virtual host. // … Continue reading Setting up a new website, 2021 version

Certbot renewal fixes

I got email notifications that my Let’s Encrypt/certbot certificates were expiring, and these should auto-renew. I had explored certbot a bit ago to organize it more, but did not look into all aspects I looked into it a bit more and saw that everything with certbot was getting errors. First there was a misconfiguration due … Continue reading Certbot renewal fixes

How do you keep personal coding projects working over long periods of time without maintenance?

I’ve had lots of small and large coding projects I’ve done over the last 10+ years. Those projects are here: The issue is, almost all of the projects break over time if they aren’t maintained. They suffer from “bit rot,” where they just degrade over time. This happens for a number of reasons, but software changes, … Continue reading How do you keep personal coding projects working over long periods of time without maintenance?

Notes for Setting Up A New Mac

Here’s a few notes for future reference for setting up a new mac laptop. I am setting up a new MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports), 16GB RAM. In terms of getting our codebase working, we’ve improved that process a lot using a tool called Strap ( and ) — which helps get a few basic things … Continue reading Notes for Setting Up A New Mac