Day 22: New Orleans

Today was a fun day in New Orleans. I was with my cousin and some good friends, and we got to eat and see a few good spots in New Orleans. We started at Cafe du Monde, where we had some beignets and I had hot chocolate. We then continued to an oysters place… where … Continue reading Day 22: New Orleans

Day 20: Yazoo City, MS

Today was a workshop day in Yazoo City, Mississippi. Let me start off by saying Yazoo City is another world. I was luck to get the chance to visit Woolfolk Middle School, and run a workshop with almost forty students there. I got there early and started to install Google Chrome on all of the … Continue reading Day 20: Yazoo City, MS

Day 13: Aspen CO

Today was a ski day. I got to ski aspen highlands. It was one of the last days of the ski season and the mountain was pretty quiet. I started off easy, did mostly blues, and ended with blacks. Had dinner at Little Annie’s restaurant in Aspen. Today was also a big emailing day. Many, many … Continue reading Day 13: Aspen CO