Potential risks of blockchain-based social networks

With Twitter finally suspending Trump’s account, and other social networks finally starting to take actions, the natural debate has followed on the role of moderation, censorship, and power in social networks. Should there be moderation, or should everything be allowed? Who should be in charge of the moderating? Should the companies be able to de-platform … Continue reading Potential risks of blockchain-based social networks

Where can I get a vaccine? A vaccine availability directory

I set up this website yesterday: https://wherecanigetavaccine.com/ It’s a link to various sites by state with vaccine location availability information, and general vaccine information by state. In researching this, I found most states really don’t give enough info for people to find how they can get a vaccine. There have been a few crowdsourced efforts, … Continue reading Where can I get a vaccine? A vaccine availability directory

Setting up a new website, 2021 version

Buy a domain (misk, namecheap, google domains) Set custom nameservers, I’m using Linode ns1.linode.comns2.linode.comns3.linode.comns4.linode.comns5.linode.com 3. Clone the dns entry in linode (just Domains, then Clone) 4. Setup Up Name Based Virtual Host and Destination Directory I have an apache server setup, so I need to make a new file to configure the virtual host. // … Continue reading Setting up a new website, 2021 version

Scrabble 2-Letter Word List/PDF

I was looking for an easy Scrabble 2-Letter word list/pdf to use. Here is the source from Merriam-Webster, but this is not very clean or easy to use: https://scrabble.merriam.com/2-letter-words Here is a cleaned up google sheet with the list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xaldUbKrGVcV2M_qjO-adTIZw7BrFUDmlEoLiUZfEEw/edit#gid=0 Here is a PDF file: Here is the image file: Also here is the InDesign … Continue reading Scrabble 2-Letter Word List/PDF

Certbot renewal fixes

I got email notifications that my Let’s Encrypt/certbot certificates were expiring, and these should auto-renew. I had explored certbot a bit ago to organize it more, but did not look into all aspects I looked into it a bit more and saw that everything with certbot was getting errors. First there was a misconfiguration due … Continue reading Certbot renewal fixes