In my book Read Write Code, I give an example of setting up web hosting and a domain with since it is a very low cost option.
Well, I got a notification about the site because the domain was expiring so I had to renew that. I deposited funds and renewed it for a couple of years.
I also went to visit the site and got an error that it was unsafe! It was a basic html page, but I was accessing over HTTP not HTTPS.
So now to figure out how to set up HTTPS for nearly free speech websites.
After a bit of googling and searching this seemed to be the best option:
Basically you need to log in through the shell. So open the terminal, and then log in with the username and password for your account.
You find the username and password within the SSH/SFTP section on the sites tab.
Then you run
You don’t type the “$” – that just indicated it is a command prompt. I had to run it twice, but it runs Lets Encrypt to set up the certificates. Then if you test accessing the website with HTTPS it should all work. Can test that here: