Would You Vote For Trump or a Random Citizen?

For me, without a doubt, I would vote for a random citizen.
If you read the Wikipedia page for Average Joe it shares some of the attributes of the “typical person” in the US. While it’s a a stereotype, it gives a sense of what some of the median values are across the board.
“The average American may be described as either being middle[2] or working class … Overall the average American, age 25 or older, made roughly $32,000per year, does not have a college degree, has been, is, or will be married as well as divorced at least once during his or her lifetime, lives in his or her own home in a suburban setting, and holds a white-collar office job.” [source]
I think someone like that is preferable to Trump. This person likely is more in touch with the situation that most people have in the US. I think it is extremely unlikely this person could do as much harm to the US as quickly as Trump has and usher in as much incompetence and corruption as the current administration. Obviously if, it’s random you could get anyone … but I would take my chances.
What about you?