The CodeHS team went around the country running workshops at over 60 schools to see what computer science looks like first hand

Karel the Dog and the CodeHS Pink #ReadWriteCode van started off in San Francisco, and drove around the country running coding workshops, meeting with teachers, students and administrators, leading assembly presentations and doing classroom visits to help get students excited about programming.
Jeremy Keeshin, one of the co-founders of CodeHS said, “Coding is now a foundational skill, just like reading and writing. We’re going around the country to help show students the creativity and opportunity provided by computer science.”
There are now over 11,000 teachers teaching computer science with CodeHS and there have been over a hundred thousand students who have learned coding on the site.
CodeHS works with all types of schools including public schools, private schools, charter schools, vocational schools and home schools.
The team helps both new teachers get started teaching computer science, and provides tools to help existing computer science teachers improve their classes.
“We think about the importance of coding with the phrase Read Write Code,” said Keeshin. “You want students to graduate and learn how to read and write, and now in 2015 coding is similarly that important. Hundreds of years ago, reading and writing were skills for the elite. Now we expect everyone to know how to read and write. Today most students don’t know any coding, but this type of digital literacy opens many doors.”
For questions regarding CodeHS or to help bring a new class to your school or start teaching with CodeHS courses for free visit or email [email protected]