We started in LA and made our way to San Diego where we had a great meetup with some CodeHS tutors!
Today, Karel said goodbye to LA schools and traffic and continued down towards sunny San Diego. After a quick stop for an ocean view, Karel got to meet up with a number of CodeHS tutors.
CodeHS tutors are college computer science students who get to help out students online who are learning programming. They can help by answering questions when students get stuck or by grading student programs. We have a lot of creative ideas for tutors in the works, and got to brainstorm better ways for tutoring to work online, and better ways for tutors to engage with students.
As we go around, we’re also asking people why they should learn coding, why they enjoy coding, or any advice you might have for people who are new to learning programming. These guys had some good answers, so make sure to check out our snapchat story!
Driving Directions
function turnRight(){ turnLeft(); turnLeft(); turnLeft(); }
move(); move(); turnLeft(); move(); turnRight(); move();