Today we did some visits and workshops at Heathwood Hall Episcopal School!
Today, we had a great visit to Heathwood Hall Episcopal School in Columbia, South Carolina. Computer science teacher Tom Simpson has been using CodeHS in his classes and invited us in to visit and present to students.
In the introductory programming class, students work on CodeHS, and are also exposed to creative opportunities to work with 3D printers! Their classes had their own Karel the Dog, and they had printed out a custom dog tag for Karel.

We got to visit with a few introductory programming classes as well as the AP Computer Science class. We had a discussion about CodeHS, about applications of computer science, and many of the students had great ideas about suggestions and improvements to the site!
The pink #ReadWriteCode van was a hit with a students, and we got a prominent spot near by the classroom.

In the AP Computer Science class, some of the more advanced students were organizing their own Capture the Flag contest — a series of creative programming challenges done by teams — we were very impressed!

Thanks so much to Tom and Heathwood Hall for hosting us!